Post Status
This page will bring us exact definition of post status in Marketplace Campaigns on AnyTag.
Last updated
This page will bring us exact definition of post status in Marketplace Campaigns on AnyTag.
Last updated
Influencer has joined the campaign, but hasn't posted yet.
Approved(Need change manually)
Influencer is allowed to send payment request and see report when the status changes to Approved.
Post is regarded as inappropriate
Post is regarded as appropriate
Ineffective(Need change manually)
Post is regarded as invalid Influencer cannot view report and also receive rewards as well.
Ad Fraud
The post gets more than twice as many Likes compared to a usual post.
Please change status to "warning solved" if you approve the post.
Deleted post
The post was already deleted.
Please change status to "Ineffective" when the influencer uploads a new post. After that, the system automatically fetches the new post.
Invalid Token/Upload Insight
The system cannot fetch the latest date because the token expired.
This status is given when the SNS specifications are changed or when the influencer changes the password for the SNS account. In this case, Please ask the influencer to sign out > sign in AnyCreator to update token.
Invalid Content
The post is regarded as inappropriate and invalid by Admin/Staff/Advertiser.
"Effective" & "Warning" status are regarded as valid status, which uses budget. It stops using budget when status is changed to "ineffective". Make sure that you never change to "Effective" once changing to "ineffective".
【How to Change Status】
a. Check the box of posts for which you want to change status b. Change status from choices