Brand mentions (Instagram)
Last updated
Last updated
About Brand mentions Data
Show all data posted during the selected period.
Mentioned posts include story posts as well.
It include both mentions in caption and comment.
Data is updated everyday.
It shows the growth of posts including tag and mention, comments, likes everyday.
Line chart: The number of followers
Bar chart: Tagged posts, Tagged likes, tagged comments, Mentions posts. Mention likes, Mention comments
The list of users and their posts that mentioned and tagged during the selected period.
Tagged Posts
It shows the latest 10 posts
You can see the all posts by clicking "MORE"
Mentioned Posts
It shows the latest 10 posts
You can see the all posts by clicking "MORE"
You can see the all posts by clicking "MORE"
You can sort the all posts by categories.
You can download the post data by CSV.
This function will be available for paid subsription plan only.