Unable to connect Instagram to Facebook

Please check if you followed the correct method to connect your accounts.

If all the steps have been followed, please make sure that the following three points have been done correctly.

・All permissions are granted on Facebook ・Sign out of AnyCreator and sign in again ・Facebook page and Instagram are connected ・Make sure to Log into the SNS account you want to connect to AnyCreator(You will be unable to connect it if you log in using another Instagram or Facebook account when you try to connect.)

All permissions are granted on Facebook

  1. Click Setting & Privacy on the Facebook menu

2. Click Settings

3. Click Business Integrations

4. Click Edit

5. Turn on all permissions

Sign out of AnyCreator and sign in again

Facebook page and Instagram are connected

  1. Click on the gear icon at the top of the Facebook page.

2. Click Instagram

3. Check if Instagram account is connected to Facebook page

If you have done all of the above and are still unable to connect, please send a screenshot of the above to our support team.

Did you change the Facebook page which is connected with Instagram?

If you have changed the Facebook page that is connected with Instagram, please make sure to register the new Facebook page in AnyCreator. Once the new Facebook page is registered in AnyCreator, the system can get the post data automatically.

Last updated