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For now, we cannot manually add new Douyin profiles on AnyTag UI. Please contact the AnyTag product team for more details. Currently and by default we obtain profiles from Douyin once monthly from our 3rd party partner, with AnyTag's own features enriching the profiles on the audience breakdown.
When you select Douyin as a social media channel in the Influencer filter, China will be pre-selected as all douyin influencers belongs to China.
Total number of followers on the latest update date
Total number of posts in the latest 30 days
We can switch the view of Anyone / Followers:
View of Anyone
Viewers of the influencer's profile which includes non-followers
View of Follower
Viewers of the influencer's profile which includes followers ONLY
Gender Breakdown
Estimated data using our proprietary methodology extracted from the latest 30 posts
Age Breakdown
Estimated data using our proprietary methodology extracted from the latest 30 posts
Area Breakdown
Chinese provinces ONLY (because of their data format, it can be show in Chinese character)
Please note that the KOL’s region and the Audience’s area breakdown include “Taiwan” (in Chinese character 台湾) too
Data is extracted from the latest 30 posts (aggregated from day of registration)
Avg. Posts/week
Average number of post per week for the latest 30 posts
Avg. Avg. Engagement Views Rate
The total number of likes and saves / Views
Avg Likes/latest 30 posts
Average number of likes per week for the latest 30 posts
Avg Views/latest 30 posts
Average number of views per week for the latest 30 posts
Avg. Comments/latest 30 posts
Average number of comments per week for the latest 30 posts
Avg Retweets/latest 30 posts
Average number of shares per week for the latest 30 posts
Posting Habit
Distribution of contribution from the latest 30 posts.
The red cells represent the time where the engagement rate is high.
Personal video (not the PR content)
General catogery
The popular catogery of influencer's video content (this is shown in Chinese because of the data format)
未分类 Details
The breakdown category of General category (we can see the details for each general category by selecting one general category from UI)
You can click "MORE" to view/download posts' engagement insights such as view, likes, comments, share, allowing for a deeper understanding of audience preferences and content effectiveness.
This number will be based on the price which is set on the xingtu platform
It can be used as a reference for making the influencer’s Proposal list
How to search Taiwan influencers' Douyin profiles:
Select Douyin on seaching tool
Open More Filter on the right hand >> Select Region as Taiwan
PR contents through the platform (marketing platform which is managed by the child company of Douyin)