Post Status

The status of all the posts are shown on the "Post" tab.




Influencer posted a draft and waiting for approval.

Staff and advertiser can check the contents and approve the post.


Influencer received a request to correct the post content. The reason for rejection is visible to the influencer.

Ready to Post

The post is now ready to be posted on social media and fetched data onto AnyTag.


The status of he post will automatically change to "Effective" when the url of the post is matched with the url of the social media post.


Post that of "Effective" status automatically change to "Approved" after the campaign finished.


This status indicates that the post has some problem.


The influencer associated with the post is rejected and not allowed to participate in this campaign.

【How to Change Status】

a. Select the posts for which you would like to change the status. b. Select the new status from selection bar. Once done, the new status will be reflected on the post.

Last updated