Standard Extension (Facebook)

1. Access Facebook page throughout AnyTag profile:

Please make sure that the URL is correct.

Correct URL: https://www.facebook...

Wrong URL: https//web.facebook...

2. Run extension

Open Inspect >> Click on FB post scrapping >> Paste Profile URL >> Start Scrapping

3. Wait until Completed

4. Back to Inflencer profile on AnyTag and refresh the page

When the scraping is complete, please back to AnyTag profile and refresh, you can see the lastest data scrapped through Extension.


  1. Refresh your FB if you just newly downloaded the scraping chrome extension

  2. Don’t close the tab before completing scraping

  3. It is okay to move to another tab during the scraping but not FB

  4. Don’t start scraping more than 2 people at the same time

Last updated