Facebook Pages

【Registered with AnyCreator】




Follower (Total)

Total number of followers on the last day for the last 30 days


Total number of posts for the last 30 days


Total number of video views for the last 30 days


Total number of reactions for the last 30 days


Total number of comments for the last 30 days


Total number of shares for the last 30 days


Total number of people who view the posts for the last 30 days


Total number of likes, comments, shares for the last 30 days

Engagement Rate

Engagement/The number of followers*100%

Page CTA

The number of clicks website link for the last 30 days

Page Impression

The number of people who view Facebook page for the last 30 days

Page Likes

The number of likes on Facebook page for the last 30 days




Gender Breakdown

Estimated data using our proprietary methodology extracted from the latest 30 posts

Age Breakdown

Estimated data using our proprietary methodology extracted from the latest 30 posts

Area Breakdown

Region breakdown extracted from all subscribers data.




Avg. Post/week

Average number of posts per week for the latest 30 posts

Avg. Reaction/lastest 30 posts

Average number of reactions for the latest 30 posts

Avg. Comments/lastest 30 posts

Average number of comments for the latest 30 posts

Avg. Shares/lastest 30 posts

Average number of shares for the latest 30 posts

Feed Posts

Feed posts for the latest 30 posts

【Unregistered with AnyCreator】




Total number of followers on the latest update date


Total number of posts in the latest 30 days

Estimated Gender

Estimated data using our proprietary methodology extracted from the latest 30 posts

Estimated Age

Estimated data using our proprietary methodology extracted from the latest 30 posts

Avg. Post/week

Average number of posts made per week for the latest 30 posts

Avg. Reactions/lastest 30 posts

Average number of reactions per week for the latest 30 posts

Avg. Comments/lastest 30 posts

Average number of comments per week for the latest 30 posts

Avg. Shares/lastest 30 posts

Average number of shares per week for the latest 30 posts

Posting Habits

Distribution of contribution from the latest 30 posts.

The red cells represent the time where the engagement rate is high.

Feed Posts

The latest 30 posts

For both Facebook pages and personal accounts, you can use the Extension function to get data such as the number of followers and engagement rate.

Last updated