Report Types
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There are 3 main types of reports available in the Analytics feature.
Sales Channel Analytics Report: Allows you to check consolidated across e-commerce channels as well as individual, channel by channel sales on a daily basis.
For Store reports (from connected Shopify stores) - through integrating site analytics from Google Analytics as well as advertising data from Google Ads and Facebook Ads; these reports can be enhanced to include daily Sessions, Conversions, daily Revenue from Ads and daily return on ad spends (ROAs).
For Marketplace reports - metrics on Sessions, conversions, revenue from ads and daily return on ad spends (ROAs) can be consolidated upon uploading CSV files of traffic and ad reports exported from the marketplace platforms and uploaded onto AnyX.
Tabs and available reports
Aggregated and combined data from all sales channels
Product Analytics Report: Consolidated or channel by channel report of sales by product and variant for a given period of time.
Tabs and available reports
Variant level report that allows you to analyse performance of products at the SKU or variant level
Advertising Report: Allows you to visualize the performance of different advertising platforms in a single view. This helps to reduce efforts needed to check platforms individually and significantly improves your ability consolidate this otherwise siloed data so that you can get to analysing and optimising campaigns.
Advertising Platforms Supported
Google Ads
Facebook Ads
TikTok Ads
Data is ingested once every 6 hours from each platform so do note that there may be slight discrepancies if you are monitoring in real-time.
Tabs and available reports
This provides a daily breakdown of consolidated data from connected advertising platforms to your store
This provides you the ability to get a detailed analysis of data by campaign, ad group / ad set, keyword / ad creative
Data from your connected e-commerce store (on Shopify). By integrating data from and ad platforms (, ) - sessions, ad costs, CVRs and ROAs are available in this report as well.
Data from all your connect marketplace stores are aggregated and combined here. There are filters to narrow down to specific channels. Through - data from across connected marketplace stores are aggregated automatically.
Product level report that allows you to analyse performance at a (i.e the same product listings from across your connected storefronts and channels).