Important note about discrepancies for Shopify
There are known small discrepancies between AnyX Sales Channel and AnyX Store Channel (Shopify) reports when compared with Shopify's own analytics report.
These not due to reporting errors or failing to pull data but rather differing reporting definitions and the influencer of currency conversions.
Beyond the differences explained below, the influence of currency conversions on AnyX also causes minor discrepancies in overall revenue figures when comparing the data on the analytics module against Shopify's reports.
1. Differences in "Gross Sales" / "Total Sales"
AnyX's Gross Sales metric is calculated including shipping costs but excluding any returns or cancellations that might have taken place during the course of the selected timeframe.
Shopify's total sales (revenue) however excludes shipping costs but includes any returns or cancellations that might have taken place during the course of the selected timeframe.
2. Differences in the Number of Orders
AnyX does not include in the count of Orders any returns and cancellations whereas on Shopify, the total order metric includes returns and cancellations that might have taken place during the selected timeframe.
3. Differences in Discounts
AnyX does not include discounts factored in for Returns . Cancel whereas on Shopify, the total discounts includes orders that ended up in returns / cancellations as well.
4. Differences in "Shipping Costs"
AnyX's shipping fee estimates do not include those from returns / cancellations whereas Shopify's shipping charges do include those from returns / cancellations.
Additional notes:
Total Sales
Gross Sales
Returns . Cancel
Returns that do not involve cancellations (partial refunds, refunds without cancellations etc) will not be reflected in AnyX. Only (Gross Sales - Discount) of cancelled orders are accounted for
Net Sales
Net Sales
Related to what is mentioned about Returns - it may cause differences in the Net Sales metrics between Shopify and AnyX.
Shipping Fee
AnyX does not reflect shipping fee refunds that do not involve cancellations. Only inbound shipping charges for cancelled orders will be credited.
Total Sales
Total Sales
Based on the considerations on AnyX for Returns . Cancel and Shipping Fee - might cause small discrepancies between these metrics on Shopify and AnyX.
In summary
Revenue is sum of pre-discount and does not include cancellations / refunds
Total orders excludes orders returned or cancelled
Total Discounts not factored in for returns and cancellations
Shipping fee estimates not factored in for returns / cancellations
Revenue is sum of post-discounts and includes returns and cancellations taken place
Total orders includes orders returned or cancelled
Total Discounts include those used for returned / cancelled orders
Shipping fee estimates are factored in for returns / cancellations
Last updated