Important note about discrepancies for Amazon

There are known small discrepancies between AnyX Sales Channel and filtered Amazon reports when compared with Amazon's own Business Report.

These not due to reporting errors or failing to pull data but rather differing reporting definitions and the influencer of currency conversions.

Beyond the differences explained below, the influence of currency conversions on AnyX also causes minor discrepancies in overall revenue figures when comparing the data on the analytics module against Amazon's Business Report.

1. Differences in "Gross Sales" / "Total Sales"

AnyX's Gross Sales metric is calculated only for orders that have been paid for and account for the pre-discounted value.

Amazon's total product sales metric is calculated including unpaid orders and account for the value after discounts.

Inclusion in the "Total Revenue" / "Total Sales" metrics



Only for completed or paid orders

Incomplete or unpaid orders also included

Discount Value

Not included in Total Sales

Included in Total Sales metric


Shipping costs considered total revenue metric

Shipping costs not factored into total sales metric

2. Differences in Orders

Only orders with a "paid" status will be posted to AnyX. As such, it may result in slight discrepancies between Amazon and AnyX's reports.


Order / Product Sales

Gross Sales

If a tax rate is set in the data linkage for Amazon, AnyX will display the value without taxes inputted for Gross Sales

Last updated