Public Campaign Flow

1. Select Campaign on "Search Job" page.

If you do not see a campaign you can participate in, please refer to the following.

If you see this on the Find Jobs page, you need to reconnect your Instagram and Facebook. If you do not reconnect, you will not be able to participate in the campaign properly.

2. Click "Join Now"

<Over Budget>

What is budget 100%, campaign status over budget?

With this status, the campaign budget is exceeded and you cannot participate in the campaign.

3. Select an account to post to

Please use the account you have selected here to make a post. If you post using a different account, we will not be able to retrieve the data and you will not be able to participate in the campaign.

4. Click "Join Now"

Be sure to check the Terms of Conditions and Payment.

5. Sign-in Again

6. Click "Upload Post"

7. Make a post

Be sure to check the Precautions before posting.

Please make sure to check the account and hashtags displayed for posting. If you get these wrong, we will not be able to get the data correctly and will not be able to pay you any revenue.

Be sure to submit your entry within the campaign period. If you submit outside of the campaign period, we will not be able to retrieve the data and will not be able to pay you.

If the post data is not be shown on the report...

It takes about 20 minutes after submission for the report to reflect the submitted data, but if it does not, please enter the post URL.

8. Wait for your post to be approved

The advertiser will review the content of the post and approve the post if there are no problems. You will receive an email notification when your post is approved after the campaign is over.

<If your submission is not approved>

If your submission was not approved, it is because the content of your submission did not match the requirements of the job. You will see a notice on the job page.

9. Request Payment

<About Revenue>

The amount of revenue is determined by the unit price x number of units.

How to request payment is following.

Last updated