Through integrating Tokopedia - you will be able to allow AnyX to retrieve various data points via APIs to enhance your reporting and analytics capabilities, especially when managing Tokopedia with other e-commerce channels.
In order to integrate your Tokopedia account with AnyX - please follow the steps described below:
Integration Method
In the single-store view, select Integrations, Add Sales Channel and Select Tokopedia
Enter the Tokopedia domain and click connect. You will receive an email from Tokopedia after a few days to confirm the connection
Once connected - Orders, Products and Listings from Tokopedia will begin syncing to AnyX
Next, you may start to input the various cost indexes for Tokopedia as an e-commerce channel, and also start to input product / commodity unit costs to fully realize AnyX's automated reporting and analytics features
*Note that the ability to edit listings in Tokopedia are currently not available. You may only use AnyX's analytics functions for integrating Tokopedia data and taking into account cost indexes.