Register Set SKU

Set SKU can be created only with existing single SKUs.

If you wish to create a set SKU with unregistered single SKUs, please make sure to register the single SKUs first.

Step 1: Register Set SKU on AnyLogi

① Access SKU page

② Click Add SKU

③ Make sure Set is selected

④ Enter Product Information

We recommend you to automatically generate SKU ID.

When it is left blank, 13 digit number will be randomly generated.

⑤ Enter Product in the Set

Click Add Products to add products in the set

⑥ Click Save



Step 2: Register SKU on Shopify

① Go to Products

② Click Add product

SKU on Shopify and SKU on AnyLogi need to be exactly the same.

Or else, it would not be recognized as the same product, so please make sure of this.


Price of a set SKU can only be registered on Shopify.

Please make sure to correctly enter the price of a set SKU on Shopify.

As a ground rule, SKU details need to be matched on Shopify and AnyLogi. Please correctly enter SKU details on Shopify as well.

Please refer to here for SKU registration process on Shopify
