How Courier Service is Decided

① Sum of Size Coefficient in an order is greater than 100

Store Default Courier Service is used

② Sum of Size Coefficient in an order is less than equal to 100, but SKU Default Courier Service of items in the order are not the same

Store Default Courier Service is used

③ [COD Order] Sum of Size Coefficient in an order is less than equal to 100, but SKU Default Courier Service does not support COD

Store Default Courier Service is used

④ Sum of Size Coefficient in an order is less than equal to 100, but SKU Default Courier Service does not support offered Preferred Delivery Date

Store Default Courier Service is used

⑤ Sum of Size Coefficient in an order is less than equal to 100, but SKU Default Courier Service does not support offered Preferred Delivery Time

Store Default Courier Service is used

⑥ Sum of Size Coefficient in an order is less than equal to 100, and SKU Default Courier Service of items in the order are the sane.

SKU Default Courier Service is used
