If you do not have a DHL account, please apply for one from the official website.
Click on "Customer Portal Logins" > "MyDHL+".
Click on "Register" in the upper right corner to apply for an account.
Enter the required information and register. it is a required field.
If the comment in the green frame in the image below is displayed, please lose this screen.
You will receive an email from the DHL API Developer Portal <>
Set the password to log into the Developer portal.
Set your password and click Save.
Please close this screen.
If you proceed with Apps as it is, it will lead to request for credentials for API development, and you will not be able to obtain credentials for API development for Express.
Go to the page and Enter the Username and Password you set to log in to the Developer Portal.
Click "Get Access" on the top right of the screen.
Enter customer information.
※It is a required field.
※Please enter in half-width alphanumeric characters.
You will receive the email from DHL Express - MyDHL API<>
When you receive the email, click the link in the email and log in to the API Developer with the registered Username and Password.
Click the link your company name.
Check your "API Key" and "API Secret".
Log in to AnyLogi > Data Linkage > Shipping Service > DHL
Copy and enter the API Key and API Secret issued to you.
Enter your DHL account number.
Select the shipper.
Select a contact address that has an account agreement with DHL.
You will not be able to select a shipper unless you have registered the shipper's address in the basic settings in advance.
Corporate Number
If you have a corporate number in Japan, be sure to enter your 13-digit corporate number.
If you do not have a corporate number (e.g., if you are an individual customer), check the "I do not have a corporate number in Japan" checkbox.
Packing Material
Select the packing material you usually use. (*If you do not use DHL packing materials, you do not need to select this option.)
Signature Image
Registering a signature image enables paperless trading (PLT).
PLT is basically applied to all shipments, but PLT is not applied when "no signature image is registered" or "shipments are made to countries to which PLT is not applicable".
If PLT is applied
If PLT is not applied
On the "New Order" list on the Cross-Border Shipping page, click on the order for which you wish to issue a Shipping Label and a Commercial Invoice.
Set the shipper, type of contents, and size of box. Set the Signature Option, DDP, and Damage Coverage, if necessary.
Signature Option
Signature option ON: Paid direct delivery record service (Direct Signature) is applied.
Other signature options are not currently supported by AnyLogi.
Direct Signature Service will be printed as DSR on the invoice.
DDP ON: Shipper pays shipping and customs duties.
DDP OFF: treated as DAP.
If DDP is applied, DTP will be printed on the label and DDP will be shown on the Commercial Invoice.
Damage Coverage
If you set a damage requirement amount, it will be reflected in the WayBill. (see figure below).
However, if PLT is applied, the WayBill will not be created.
※Insurance will be applied even if the PLT is not created.
Printing and attaching a Shipping Label and a Commercial Invoice.
For more information, please see this page.