Sign Up on AnyLogi

① Go to Sign Up page at top right

② Enter your first name, last name and email address

Once you create an account, an email will be sent from AnyLogi Team (

Please follow the instruction on the email accordingly.

③ Register your password, and log in with your email address and password

④ Enter Account Information



Company Name

Name of your company

Website URL

Link to your company's website

Country / Region

Address of your company

Postal / Zip Code

Address of your company


Address of your company

City Name

Address of your company

Address Line 1

Address of your company

Address Line 2

Address of your company

Phone Number

Phone number of your company

Support Email

Company email address of your company

⑤ Enter Store Information



Store Name

Name of your store

Store Code

Unique code assigned to each and every store. This will be used as a prefix of inbound ID and manual order ID.

Country / Region

Address of your store

Postal / Zip Code

Address of your store


Address of your store

City Name

Address of your store

Address Line 1

Address of your store

Address Line 2

Address of your store

Phone Number

Phone number of your store

⑥ Enter your Shopify Store Name

Please refer to here for details of Shopify Store Name

⑦ Click Install on below screen

⑧ Below screen shows installation was successful. Our team will contact you in 2 to 3 business days.
